Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bert Was Nervous About Public Speaking?But Hit ... - The Bert Show

October 8, 2012 at 7:48 am | Category: Today's Show | Tags: Bert Weiss, GLAAD

On Friday, Bert admitted that even though he talks to the masses for a living (although, honestly, it feels more like friends), the thought of speaking publicly (as in, not behind a radio mic), gives him MAJOR nerves.

He accepted a huge honor on Saturday night -?his GLAAD Award?(check him out in the picture with his wife, Stacey, and friend, Melanie) and shared his speech below.

Nailed it.


The Speech

I can?t tell ya how many times on The Bert Show the women on the show?have said that when women go out they don?t dress for men. They dress?for other women. Well, for the first time in my life I kinda understand?what they mean. I mean, I knew I was gonna be here tonight around all?these great looking gay men. So, I went out, got a spray tan. I shaved my?arms and my chest. Not because of the women here but because of the?guys, ya know.

What an honor to be here tonight. And I sincerely mean that. But, in all?honesty, I?m having some really mixed feelings.

I?m a little embarrassed actually. I?m a little embarrassed that awards?are given out to people that embrace the unconditional pursuit of happiness. I still shake my head when I think we?re living in a world in?which open-mindedness needs to be honored.

I?m ready for all of us ?loving each other? and ?accepting each other??to be the norm. Not something that needs to be honored.

Physically, I could not care less what anybody does in the privacy of?their own home. I don?t care what freaky, freaky insurrection/Love Shack/Kama Sutra stuff happens in anybody?s home accept mine. I don?t?care.

What I DO care about is a persons right to express love freely. With?whomever you want. Wherever you want.

The arrogance behind one person or a group saying that you can?t?pursue your happiness because it isn?t the same as my happiness is appalling and unthinkable.?When Melissa Carter was on the show she use to tell me that every day she sees discrimination. So, as I was preparing for this I tested her?theory. And, sadly, she?s right.

A headline from Friday On?NBC: New archbishop in gay-friendly Bay Area?strongly opposes same-sex marriage

ABC News on Thursday: Gay Boy Scout, Bullied by Troop, Denied Eagle?Rank

Wednesday in Texas: Gay couple thinks hate crime is linked to local?pastor?s anti-gay article

Tuesday:?Gay Pride March Banned in Serbia

Monday: Gay Nigerian fears he will be killed if he is forced to return -?The maximum punishment for same-sex sexual activity in Nigeria is 14?years? imprisonment.

The fact that men and women still have to live within themselves?and not be their authentic selves at home or socially or at work is absolutely pathetic. I wish it were laughable. But it?s pathetic.

I realize now that the only thing I?m really closed minded about is?close-minded people.

This should be so easy. I wish every adult had the same attitude about?homosexuality that my 10 year old does. Over the summer my wife and I had invited our neighbor to come hang out with us at our beach?house in South Carloina. Our neighbor brought his boyfriend. At some point over the?weekend my son innocently turns to me and says, ?Dad, why do Mark?and Mike sleep in the same room and the same bed?? So, I said to him,?well, Hayden, you know how mommy and daddy love each other very?much? Well, sometimes men fall in love with other men and women fall?in love with other women. It?s no different. His reaction was exactly this:??Oh. You wanna play some video games??

Let me leave with some signs of encouragement. Because squeezed in?between those discriminating headlines I read a few seconds ago there?we these:

Record number of gays seeking seats in Congress?

Gay TV Characters hit record high

Boxer Orlando Cruz says, ?I?m a proud gay man!?

California became the first state to ban the use for minors of disputed?therapies to ?overcome? homosexuality, a step hailed by gay rights groups across the country that say the therapies have caused dangerous?emotional harm to gay and lesbian teenagers

I can only imagine that there are days where you?re exhausted.?Exhausted hiding in some cases. Exhausted hearing the subtle homophobia going on around you. Exhausted sticking up for your?basic rights.

I encourage you to try and continue to be defiant. Be yourself. You?have no other option. You are fighting a battle for freedom. For personal rights. For each other. And there is absolutely no fight?worth fighting that is more important than that.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of this special night with you?tonight.


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